We help Video Service Providers in Asia
to start and scale the business in IPTV and OTT

Forecasts show that OTT TV market in Asia will reach $54 billion in 2026, up by 90% from the $29 billion recorded in 2020. At Telebreeze, we understand the inportance of the region. We offer our expretise and product range to local Service Providers to help them develop a successful business in IPTV and OTT.
Our services include:
Deployment of IPTV/OTT Platform
with your content
We calculate hardware specifications, develop the project plan, and support you during and after launch of the service.
Launching IPTV/OTT project
on premises or in cloud
We install and configure the software and support the Client in launching the project to commercial production.
IPTV/OTT Platform Description

A list of features includes:
  • End-to-end solution: launch, manage and monetize your OTT TV system.
  • Support of Live TV and VoD.
  • Cloud based / Premise based / Hybrid Solution.
  • Catchup TV and time-shift options.
  • Feature-rich management system: operator dashboard, billing, content management, customer management, DRM, statistics, and more.
  • Full support of multiple playback platforms, including mobile, Smart TVs and STBs.
  • Monetization via subscription, pay-per-view, and advertising models.
  • White label solution under your brand.

With our IPTV/OTT Platform you can

Increase Audience Reach on multiple platforms
Reach your viewers and ensure a unified experience of user interaction with content on different connected devices: smartphones, tablets, TV boxes, SmartTVs, PCs).
Increase ARPU (Average Revenue per User)
Use various models of content monetization: buying content packages, buying individual videos and renting videos,, advertising insertion, vouchers, integrated store and much more.
Simply control the system from all-in-one dashboard
uSE a multi-operated web-application to control all aspects and modules of your network. It is the way that you will manage your programming and offerings for your customers.

Typical Business Tasks We Solve

OTT TV Platform Architecture

Components of OTT TV Platform

With Telebreeze Middleware you can easily and conveniently control and manage your video streaming network.
Offering the support of more than 14 platforms allows your subscribers to watch media content on any device.
Coder prepares video content for adaptive streaming, and Media Server distributes your content via the Internet to end-user devices.
The Telebreeze Video on Demand server allows your subscribers to select and watch video content whenever and however they like.
OTT Player for Smart TVs & Set-Top Boxes
OTT Player for Smartphones

The Telebreeze Experience

With Telebreeze you can build an IPTV/OTT network on an unlimited scale. Our team offers professional assistance in the setup and the configuring of a solution in your location, as well as training of your staff.

Since 2012, Telebreeze has been helping enterprises around the world with launching OTT TV services. More than 170 companies from 69 countries have already implemented our OTT platform during this period.
Our Clients Say
  • Telebreeze helped us to set up our own OTT platform. Now we are attacting local service providers in India to join our system. Telebreeze makes it possible to launch multi-branded solution that is easy to manage from one dashboard.
    Prathapachandran Ramachandran
    CEO Kings Broadband (Inygo)
  • Simple yet powerful OTT Platform
    Simple to manage and setup. Telebreeze team help us a lot in finding the right hardware, set it up and integration with our existing content.
    Yohan Iswadi
    Network development manager in Neuviz

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