Audience Reach Strategies

You already know how to shoot and edit quality videos, completing them with atmospheric sounding and stylish design. Now it is necessary to attract the audience in order to make them popular in the Internet. It takes a lot of time and constant efforts, but we have prepared several useful tips for you. Several factors can help you to expand the audience: the right targeting, SEO-optimization, context-free understanding, collaboration with clients and partners, creation the content audience will want to share.


Create videos for a specialized audience. Don't try to reach everyone at once, this is a losing strategy. The more special a video will be, the more a viewer will find himself in it and, as a result, will become loyal. This is important both for individual authors and for companies. This is how to do it:
  • Define the target audience on the whole channel level. For example, if you do video content for companies that provide IPTV services, prepare a video series about the product. Another option is to tell the audience about your profession, about what bonuses or difficulties this specialty provides.
  • Focus to the target audience on the level of separate videos. Create videos for certain company structures: management, technical specialists, support department. A quality professional corporate video reveals important facts about the company, reinforced by dynamic interviews with employees and leaders. Such content reflects the company philosophy, introduces the audience with a mission, personnel, strategic plans and perspectives.


Study user requests and think about what information about your company may interest them, create a video on this topic. To make your video content easy to find, follow these tips:
  • Create videos on popular themes. Connect your videos with the latest news and cultural events. You can use online services such as Google Trends, Twitter Trends, indexes of mention to find out what is discussed in the world right now.
  • Create useful content. Think about what problem your audience can update and solve in the video. For example, your basic subject provides video services. Think about the topic of content, popular shows, expected new movie distribution, industry trends, develop them in the video.
Don't forget about the optimization. It's important for authors not only shoot quality content but to understand how users find videos. Each video platform have special algorithms, recommended engines which help viewers to find videos they need. This makes it easier for authors to retain their audience. But this is not an easy task, as hundreds of hours of new content are uploaded to the network every minute. Real-time feedback helps you to learn the preferences of you audience. It allows you to offer your viewers a relevant content and encourages them to return to your channel. Some authors believe that some types of videos fall into recommendations more often than others. Here is what matters:
  • which videos cause interest;
  • which videos do not cause interest;
  • how long does the view last;
  • which videos get "Likes" and "Dislikes";
  • which videos viewers choose to hide.
So, the main thing is to find out what your audience likes and what can be useful for them.

There are also specialized services that collect information about viewers to a special archive. This will help you to understand what content you should create in make your videos appear in users' recommendations.
The main thing is to find out,
what your audience likes
and what can be useful for them!
  • Temporary and seasonal changes. Your channel's metrics may change over time, and this is not a cause for concern. The mood of the audience is unstable. Viewer's interest can grow or fade from week to week. You should not rush to conclusions – it is best to judge the effectiveness of the channel on the basis of long-term observations.
  • Search. Search results on video platforms are generated in response to keyword queries. The better the video and its meta-data match the query, the higher it appears in the list. Also, it is important how often one or another video is transferred from search results. Ultimately, in response to a search query, you will see not just a list of the most viewed videos, but a technically sophisticated and thoughtful selection.
  • Learn which keywords are used most often to search for content, and focus on them when thinking about the topics and titles of videos;
  • Create descriptions from one or two paragraphs that describe the topic of the video well;
  • Study search results for various keywords, popular and not so popular. This can help you to find an audience that is not yet covered by many people in order to attract them to your channel in the future.

Context-free clarity

When you create new videos, keep in mind that not all users have watched the previous ones. New viewers should immediately understand what the issue is about. Here's how you can do this:
  • Don't link the story of the new video to the previous one. It should be clear even to those who are not familiar with your other works.
  • Add a summary. If possible, at the beginning of each video, tell your audience what you are going to talk about.
  • Use a call to action with a link to previous videos. For this purpose, you can use hints or end screen-savers.

Cooperation with clients and partners

Collaboration is a great opportunity to expand your reach and build relationships with other companies. Here is how it can be set up:
  • Invite guests regularly. Think ahead of the format that will make it easy to do this (for example, interviews with employees of partner companies);
  • Contact the authors of channels with similar topics. Find people who make videos in the same genre or for the same audience and share your interests. Their subscribers are likely to like your channel as well.
  • Present your guests in a good light. Make sure you are invited to pay tribute to the author's attention in his video. If collaboration brings positive emotions to other authors, joint videos will be better, and your guests will be happy to promote your channel in their videos.

Content you want to share

Users often send videos that they particularly liked to their family and friends. This is how a new audience discovers the channel you are promoting. Here's what might encourage viewers to share the video:
  • Relevance. Make videos you want to discuss;
  • Familiar topics. Create content that is close to your audience. This can be both funny videos and videos on serious topics;
  • Value. Think about how your video can be useful to the audience. For example, you can shoot training videos – such content is always popular.
  • Create video content on different topics within your channel to attract different categories of viewers. As an example, the internal and external public of your basic subject;
  • Track popular topics in social networks and news sources;
  • Try to make the content understandable for those who came to your channel for the first time;
  • When you suggest ideas for collaboration to other authors, express your thoughts clearly and accurately;
  • Think about what makes you different from other authors, and keep this in mind when creating video content.
If you still have questions about any of our articles, we will be happy to answer them on Facebook.

Good luck on your creative path!